Service Concept
Service Commitment
  • Service Mode:

    Pangood uses the mode of combining self-owned after sales service and partnership network service, directly providing convenient, efficient and value-added after-sales service for terminal customers.

  • PanGood Service Process:

    1)In case of product failure of the electric drive system, the customer shall report for repair according to the priority of "PanGood service station and PanGood station service personnel".

    2)PanGood assigns onsite service personnel in customer’s production line to provide zero-kilometer service, responsible for the service of production line failure, and provides installation guidance to customer’s production line personnel. For failures caused by customer liability, PanGood shall regularly communicate with the customer’s quality management representative to facilitate problem resolution.

  • PanGood Commitment:

    1)Provide 7*24 hour service.

    2)Quick response within 15 minutes. After receiving the onsite assistance request, the departure time of the assigned service personnel should not exceed 2 hours.

    3)Repair within 12 hours for common faults and 72 hours for non-common faults.

    4)Common spare parts should be on site within 24 hours, while the non-common spare parts should be on site within 72 hours.

General Service
Arrival Inspection

Please confirm that the packing box contains the materials mentioned in the technical agreement upon arrival. If there are any missing items, please contact the manufacturer.

1)Confirm whether the parameters of the nameplate are consistent with the requirements.

2)Rotate the flange/drive shaft by hand to see whether the rotation is smooth, and there is no abnormal noise in the rotation process.

3)Confirm whether the appearance of each wiring terminal is intact without damage, and there is no missing or skew breakage of each insertion needle.

4)Confirm whether there are any bumps, scratches, looseness, fall-offs, lead damages or other external damages.


1 Routine Inspection

During normal use, the following items shall be checked for routine inspection.

1)Whether the wiring part or the mounting bolt is loose;

2)Whether the insulation layer of the conductor is damaged or not;

3)Whether the cooling pipe leaks or not, if so, it shall be reconnected and fastened;

4)Whether the electrical parameters meet the requirements;

5)Check the fasteners for each location.

2 Periodic Inspection

1)Measure the motor insulation resistance, and it should be larger than 200 MΩ;

2)Check if there is any abnormal sound during bearing rotation;

3)Check whether the joint is loose.

The inspection items listed above shall be carried out every six months except specially designated inspection items.

4)The use and maintenance of the gear box shall be carried out according to the requirements of the use and maintenance of commercial vehicles, which is generally divided into three levels of technical maintenance;

5)The gear box lubricating oil should be regularly checked and replaced (or supplemented);

6)Fill each grease fitting with 2 # lithium-based grease for every 2000km;

7)Check the fastening condition of the brake plate, the looseness condition of the hub bearing and the wear condition of the brake pad for every 8000-10000km. If the wear condition of the brake pad exceeds the limit pit, the brake pad must be replaced immediately.

3 Check and replacement of gear oil in gear box

The vehicle should be parked on the level ground while filling oil and inspecting the oil level.

1)Keep refueling until the specified amount of oil!

Insufficient or excessive oil will lead to overheating, which shall cause the damage to the transmission parts.

2)Check oil level regularly!

Check the oil level position of the gear box at least once a month or every 10,000 km. The inspection shall be carried out when the lubricating oil is cooled to the ambient temperature and the oil level is stable.

3)Oil change time

(1)The first oil change shall be carried out after driving for 5000 km or 125 hours

(2)The subsequent oil change should be carried out according to the use of the vehicle which has a maximum of driving distance for 100,000km, or oils should be changed at least once a year.

(3)For vehicles that have been used regularly under high temperature (above +30°C) conditions, the vehicle can travel up to 40,000 kilometers or for 1,000 hours, but the oil should be changed at least once a year.

Matters needing Attention

If the electric drive or controller requires internal maintenance and repair, it must be done by a professional manufacturer!

Be sure to operate by a professionally qualified electrical operator!

Be sure to make electrical connections only when the power is cut off!

Storage Methods

Store indoors, avoid sun exposure.

Ambient temperature range: -40~55℃.

Relative humidity: below 95%.

The electric drive should be placed according to the normal installation state, and waterproof, dustproof and rust-proof measures should be taken.

The electric drive should not be stacked, and other heavy objects should not be placed on the electric drive.

Check the below items every 3 months when not in use for a long time:

1)Rotate the flange/drive shaft by hand to see whether the rotation is smooth, and there is no abnormal noise in the rotation process.

2)Check all screws in the electric drive to see if they are loose.

3)Measure with a 500V megger, the insulation resistance between stator winding and casing should not less than 20 MΩ when cold, or 1 MΩ when hot; The insulation resistance between three-phase power supply cord and shielding layer under cold and hot state should not less than 1 MΩ.

Quality Assurance

1)The beginning of the warranty period of the drive system: according to the starting date agreed with the customer;

2)The quality warranty period of driving motor, reducer, motor controller, suspension and EDS: according to the quality guarantee provisions of driving system in the vehicle quality guarantee;

3)After the maintenance and replacement of the drive system and its parts within the warranty period, the warranty period is equal to the remaining period of the original parts warranty period

Transmission lubrication and maintenance

Transmission lubrication:

Do not use inferior lubricants, and do not mix lubricants of different brands!

When adding lubricant, the vehicle should be parked on a level road surface and lubricant should be added to the lower edge of the oil level hole.

Must use general vehicle lithium base lubricant conforming to GB5671-85 standard requirements.

Maintenance of the Reducer

Check the lubricant oil level when driving 3000Km. The oil level shall be at the lower edge of the oil level mouth, and add more lubricant if needed.

Change the lubricating oil in the transmission when driving 5000km, and change the oil every 60,000km after that.

Check the working condition of each bearing of the reducer at 300,000km and replace it if necessary.

Maintenance of the vent plugs: vent plugs should be cleaned frequently to remove dirt and keep it clear.

Change of Lubricating Oil for Reducer

In the process of oil change, place a suitable container under the oil drain plug, remove the filling plug and the oil drain plug, discharge gear oil (it is easier to discharge when the temperature is high) and so on. After exhausting all the oil, install the oil drain plug (replace the sealing ring when necessary). Fill the new gear oil following the specified oil level. If the filling port is not easy to reach, use the hose for filling. After filling, install the filling plug (replace the sealing ring if necessary).

When install the oil plug, please make sure to gently screw the plug in by hand first, and then use the tool to tighten it to the specified torque. It is strictly prohibited tightening the oil plug directly using the tool or apply the tightening torque exceeding the specified torque.

Oil plug torque value




Attentions with using gear box

If abnormal noises, heavy operation of the transmission or any other irregularities are found during operation, stop immediately for inspection, and continue to drive after troubleshooting.

Check and Maintenance

If parts are found to be worn out, damaged or out of order by inspection, necessary repair or replacement shall be made.

Warranty scope

a)Within the warranty period, the part damages and performance change due to the product quality, once identified to be our problem, we will provide the repair.

b)There is no warranty under any of the following circumstances:

1)Product warranty is expired or the warranty period cannot be determined.

2)Product modified by unauthorized personnel.

3)Damaged parts caused by disassemble and repair of unauthorized personnel.

4)Secondary failure and damage caused by failure to remove the fault in time and continuing to use product.

5)Product damage caused by failing to operate or maintain the products in accordance with the service manual.

6)Failure of the product due to improper use or manipulation.

7)Product failure or damage caused by traffic accident.

8)We keep the right to investigate and punish any fraud and falsification act.

Environmental Protection and Safety

Attention should be paid to environmental protection and safety during product overhaul and maintenance. In particular, when changing lubricating oil in the transmission, the replaced oil shall not be disposed at will. It should be disposed according to the provisions of the law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by solid waste of the People’s Republic of China.

The product shall be used in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Matters Needing Attention for transmission Use to ensure safe operations and avoid accidents.

PanGood Digital Cloud Platform Service

Through the data-based cloud platform, the electric drive operation process can be monitored and potential problems are early warned. The headquarters experts remotely diagnose and process the problems to truly achieve the service work forward.